Your Support Matters
Our 2024 Wake United Campaign aims to live out our Wake Forest spirit of pro humanitate, by uniting our global campus community in a collective fundraising effort. We are partnered with the United Way to identify and address the most significant needs among those most at risk here in Winston-Salem and the surrounding area.
“As members of the Winston-Salem community and surrounding region, we have an opportunity to support our neighbors and live our calling of Pro Humanitate. I invite all Wake Foresters to consider partnering with the United Way to help those around us who need it most. ”
– President Susan R. Wente

How to Make a Pledge
If you’d like to make a pledge, click the button below to be taken to Wake Forest University’s United Way ePledge campaign site.
Additional Information
Building a Better Tomorrow Together

Campus Profiles

Michele Gillespie
Provost, Wake Forest University
One of the reasons I love United Way is because they get real results. Another is because they knit this community together in such a powerful way.

Erica Still
Associate Dean and Professor of English
While we are a nation of privilege, not all of our communities experience that wealth of resources equally. Given these social, systemic inequities, I believe, we have an obligation to stand with our most vulnerable neighbors. And we must do so as collaborators, not “saviors”–we must value and honor communities’ agency and knowledge and join with them as they pursue economic, healthcare, housing, and educational stability.

Leigh Stanfield
Executive Director of Global Engagement & Administration
I pledge because the United Way amplifies the impact of funding and provides essential needs directly to neighbors in our community.
Campaign Leaders
- Sam Perrotta, Chief of Staff to the Provost
- Brandi Cleveland, Assistant Director of Provost Office Events and Engagement
- Berthi Hotham, Associate Vice President, Business Strategy & Transformation
- Ritt Culbreth, Provost Office Fellow